
Name Jocelyn McKnight
Label Undergraduate Student
Summary Undergraduate student majoring in English Language Arts with a double minor in French and Linguistics


  • 2024.09 - ongoing
    Research Assistant
    I am involved in the creation of a digital edition of Old English artifacts related to the Ruthwell Cross. I assist in all aspects of the project such as coding, research, and innovative problem solving.
  • 2024.09 - ongoing
    Undergraduate Teaching Assistant
    For beginner French classes, I am responsible for marking various works of the students and provide helpful feedback related to grammar, style, and compositions.
  • 2023.04 - ongoing
    Instructional Design Support and Academic Excellence Partner
    I was responsible for creating instructional materials for grades 1 through 12 in all subjects as well as designing an effective online course for all high school students.


  • 2024.12 - 2025.12

    Lethbridge, AB

    The Meliorist
    Served as treasurer and led the finance committee for The Meliorist—the University of Lethbridge student journal.


  • 2022.09 - 2026.04

    Lethbridge, AB

    Bachelor of Arts
    University of Lethbridge
    English Language Arts
    • Advanced Old English
    • Advanced French Grammar
    • Linguistics Independent Study
  • 2019.09 - 2022.06

    Calgary, AB

    High School Diploma
    Dr. E. P. Scarlett High School
    French Immersion
    • French Language Arts
    • Spanish Language and Culture
    • Calculus
    • Physics


  • 2022.06
    Canadian Parents for French Alberta Bursary
    Canadian Parents for French-Calgary Chapter
    Award to a French Immersion student who intends to continue full or part-time French education at a post-secondary institution in Canada.
  • 2022.09
    Alexander Rutherford Scholarship
    Alberta Student Aid
    Awarded to high school students pursuing post secondary education with an average of 80% or higher.
  • 2022.09
    Board of Governors' Admission Scholarship
    University of Lethbridge
    Awarded to high school students applying to the University of Lethbridge with an average of 80% or higher.
  • 2023.04
    Dean's Honour List
    University of Lethbridge
    Awarded for outstanding academic performance and a 3.88 GPA.
  • 2023.08
    ORS Academic Achievement Award
    University of Lethbridge
    Awarded for academic achievement for students living in the University of Lethbridge residence community.
  • 2023.12
    Jason Lang Scholarship
    Alberta Student Aid
    Awarded for Alberta post-secondary students for their academic achievements.
  • 2023.12
    Dean's Honour List
    University of Lethbridge
    Awarded for outstanding academic performance and a 3.80 GPA.
  • 2024.04
    Dean's Honour List
    University of Lethbridge
    Awarded for outstanding academic performance and a 3.92 GPA.
  • 2024.08
    Capstone Scholarship in Integrative Thinking
    University of Lethbridge
    Awarded to third year students who have completed Liberal Education courses and maintained a GPA of above 3.50.
  • 2024.08
    University of Lethbridge Scholarship
    University of Lethbridge
    Awarded for outstanding academic performance.
  • 2024.12
    Jason Lang Scholarship
    Alberta Student Aid
    Awarded for Alberta post-secondary students for their academic achievements.
  • 2024.12
    Dean's Honour List
    University of Lethbridge
    Awarded for outstanding academic performance and a 3.80 GPA.


Digital Humanities for Beginners
University of Lethbridge 2024-04
Alliance Française of Calgary 2022-06
Alliance Française of Calgary 2022-06


Website development and markup (XML-TEI, HTML, Jekyll)
Corpus Linguistics (AntConc, Voyant tools, SketchEngine)


Native speaker